Elaboration of policy papers to use the proposed solutions in national/regional programs

(Responsible: Lazio Region)

Task 5.1 Analysis of socioeconomic effects of water policies in developing countries

Water policies, and specially water pricing measures, have to cope not only with environmental sustainability but also with socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, knowledge on this issue coming from studies and experience in European countries have to be integrated by analysis specifically oriented to socioeconomic aspects of water policies in very poor countries. Since this aspect is crucial mainly for the Palestinian situation, PHG will perform an analysis of socioeconomic effects of water policies in developing countries. The results of such analysis will be a basic element to develop the policy paper described in task 5.2.

Task 5.2 Elaboration of a policy paper on SWM, agreed by all key stakeholder

A draft policy paper aimed at introducing in the National-Regional water policies the SWM solutions to be applied to the different settlement typology will be elaborated by Regione Lazio, SVI.MED in agreement with the associated partner Ragusa Province , Malta Resource Authority and Ministry of Gozo, CERTE in agreement with the associated partners SONEDE and ONAS, Palestinian Water Authority. The paper will be discussed and integrated by the stakeholders sitting at the stakeholder table and agreed and subscribed by all of them. Whereas unanimous consensus could not be reached, decision will be taken according to the will of the majority. The paper may contain decision to be implemented directly by the authorities participating to the project or requests to be submitted to higher authorities (e.g. Governments, EU).