Lazio Region is one of the 20 administrative regions of Italy, situated in the central peninsular section of the country, with about 5.7 million residents and a gross domestic product (GDP) of more than 170 billion euros. Lazio is the third most populated and the second richest region of Italy. Behind the Metropolitan area of Rome which represents the biggest sub-regional administrative body, there are currently four provinces: Frosinone, Latina, Viterbo and Rieti.
The overall population density in the region is 332 inhabitants per km2 and in that contest the Lazio Region foreshadows a national areas, with drinking water richness deriving from the presence of limestone mountains and clay hills. Therefore the Environmental Directorate oversees the management of integrated water services, from pumping water to the discharge and consumption, also providing the following other important functions:
- To schedule, plan and conserve natural resources, environmental and forestry assets as well to manage protected areas.
- To provide for functions entrusted by law to the Technical Secretariat of the regional Basin Authority.
- To program and organize coordinated interventions for the soil conservation and provide the technical and administrative procedures for the implementation of action programs for the reclamation and irrigation works.
- To plan and oversee the management of water resources.
- To fulfill the procedures for the environmental impact assessment