SWMED National Workshop on Sustainable Domestic Water Use
- Date: Friday, 30th May 2014
- Venue: Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta
- Time: 09:00am
Registrations are to be submitted to [email protected] by not later than Wednesday, 28th May 2014
Next 10th of April, Svi.Med. will held the III Water Table and the Workshop in Ragusa, with the support of the main actors of the territory, in order to debate, conclude and promote the results of these 2 years of work developing the Feasibility Study, in collaboration with the technical partner of the project, Iridra srl. Furthermore the III water table will be the occasion to debate about the Ragusa Policy Paper in order to leave a clear framework for implementing the proposed solutions.
Click Here to connect with the SWMED project through Facebook.
The next SWMED’s Management Board and Steering Committee will be organised by Svi. Med in Ragusa, Sicily on the 17th-18th March 2014.
Second water table in Ragusa – 10th May 2013
Gozo, 3rd Project Meeting, 3-4th June 2013,
Tunis, 3rd Technical Meeting, 1-5th July 2013, Tunisia